Thursday, 15 August 2019

Better Late than Never - Blaugust and video games

Hi everyone, AristoWan here.

For anyone still following the blog post, thank you for your continued patronage. It helps to know that I'm writing for someone.

For those of you new here: Welcome! I don't seem to have any literary style except for what you'd call mad rambling. If that appeals to you, then stick around.

This has started as somewhat of a song translation blog for me although it has been quite awhile since I've completed any of these translations. My Japanese is still improving and the more I know, the less satisfied I am with the quality of some of my older TLs. "All good writing is rewriting" is an adage that I've retained from academia. The problem with all writing as well is that you bloody well have to start. I'm sitting on like, 20 different songs all ready to be translated, adapted and analysed.

The future of this blog and (late) start of Blaugust right now is to fill it up with some of the passions of my life, currently being various fighting games (UNIST/SamSho/Guilty Gear), Rainbow 6 Siege and Final Fantasy XIV.

I want to look at Final Fantasy XIV: its legacy, appeal, flaws, role classes and individual classes.

My first piece will be on its appeal, what attracted me to it, what might attract you to it, what the game has to offer, and what to look forward to in game.

If you happen to play any of these games, feel free to follow me twitter (@AristoWan) or add Midnight Lamiacea on Elemental, Kujata in FFXIV.

AristoWan, signing off for today.